Geographical location
Switzerland is a federal country with surrounding land belonging to Central Europe, bordering the Alps in France, Germany, Italy, Austria. With favorable geographical position as on Switzerland should be seen as the "heart of Europe".
Because the climate is influenced by the ocean and the continent, so the Swiss have fairly temperate climate, cool with average temperatures around 12 Celsius degreed, changes on the region, from the glacial environment at the peak to cool areas near the Mediterranean climate in the far south Switzerland. Summer tends to warm and humid in the rains, so this is an ideal place for development of cattle and pastures. Winters are less wetter, but overall, the climate is not too harsh.
Giao thông
Thụy Sĩ có hệ thống giao thông hiện đại, phát triển vượt bậc, đặc biệt những đường hầm xuyên núi Alps giúp rút ngắn quãng đường từ phía Bắc đến phía Nam châu Âu. Tiêu biểu là đường hầm cho tàu hỏa Saint Gotthard và Lotschberg, Saint Gotthard là đường hầm dành cho xe ô tô dài nhất thế giới và cũng là đường giao thông huyết mạch của châu Âu để băng qua núi Alps.
Chất lượng hệ thống đường cao tốc ở Thụy Sĩ đứng đầu thế giới với tổng chiều dài đường bộ là 71,214 km ( theo số liệu năm năm 2004). Số người sở hữu xe ô tô của Thụy Sĩ rất cao và đang tăng lên. Xe buýt cũng là một phương tiện giao thông công cộng quan trọng và rất nổi tiếng ở Thụy Sĩ.
Hãng hàng không quốc tế lớn nhất Thụy Sĩ là Swiss International Airlines. Những sân bay quốc tế của Thụy Sĩ là Zurich, Geneva và Basel.
Switzerland has a modern transportation system, boom, particularly the Alps tunnel shortens the distance from north to south Europe. Typical tunnel for trains Saint Gotthard and Lotschberg, Saint Gotthard tunnel for cars the world's longest and also the arterial roads of Europe to cross the Alps.
Quality highway system in Switzerland leads the world with a total length of 71.214 km of road is (according to the data in 2004). The number of people owning cars Swiss very high and increasing. Buses are also a means of public transport is important and very popular in Switzerland.
The largest International Airlines is Swiss International AirLines. The international airport of Switzerland is Zurich, Geneva and Basel.
Kinh tế
Thụy Sĩ là nước ít tài nguyên thiên nhiên, song lại có mức phát triển vững mạnh đáng kể trên toàn cầu. Diện tích nhỏ, dân số ít, tài nguyên thiên nhiên hạn hẹp, nhưng Thụy Sĩ lại có vị trí quan trong về kinh tế tài chính và hệ thống ngân hàng uy tín bảo mật nổi tiếng Thế giới. GDP đầu người của Thụy Sĩ rất cao xếp khoảng thứ 8 thứ 9 trong bảng xếp hạng GDP thế giới với mức 58.000 USD/người/năm, trong khi ở những quốc gia phát triển khác như Anh, GDP chỉ ở mức 40.000 USD/người/năm.
Thụy Sĩ nổi tiểng về nhiều ngành công nghiệp phát triển cao như sản xuất đồng hồ, du lịch, nhà hàng khách sạn, đồ trang sức, dược phẩm, dịch vụ và bảo hiểm…
Your dream is to study abroad in the US? And you want to get a scholarship to help your financial problems? AU MY UC INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CONSULTANCY CO., LTD is here to share with you some valuable scholarships for students from grade 8 to grade 10 that have excellent academic achievements.
1/ 20% Tuition fee scholarship
- Have a 8.0 GPA score.
-IELTS 4.0 (for students who apply for 9-10th grade)
- IELTS 5.0 (for students who apply for 11th grade)
-IELTS 5.5 (for students who apply for 12th grade)
2/ 40% Tuition fee scholarship
- Have a 8.5 GPA score.
- TOEFL 80 or IELTS 6.5.
- Interview with school representatives
Why would you choose to study at CATS ACADEMY BOSTON?
- Experienced and dedicated teachers: 36% of teachers graduated from top universities such as Harvard in the United States, Stanford, Yale, Brown, Columbia ...
- Free SAT Courses, Advice Placement Program: At CATS ACADEMY BOSTON, students will take free and unlimited intensive ESL courses with free SAT preparation. The school offers 14 advanced course (Advanced Placement) for excellent students, to help them prepare the best platform when they transfer into college.
- Ideal study destination: The school is located in Boston city – one of the best 3 cities (according to QS Best Student Cities 2012). Boston also has more than 100 colleges and universities, with more than 250.000 students. There are somes top universities in Boston such as Harvard, MIT, Boston University.
College counseling programs: Students can meet counselors 3 days/week during the school year, since grade 9. This program is run by her Sophia Meas, graduated from UCLA and master from Harvard University.She has 10 years experience working in the admissions office of the school so knows very clearly about Harvard students seeking admission to top universities or scholarships University what they need.
Comprehensive Development: Students are involved in many extracurricular activities, programs and sports such as football, basketball, athletics, music, fashion, art, dance, badminton,yoga, table tennis ... On weekends, students can be relaxed and sightseeing, picnicking tourist attractions in the city of Boston and the neighboring states.The school also helps students to experience social activities such as charitable organizations, conservation, community services, help students develop these skills are highly important when filing university application.
Studying conditions and convenient accommodation: wide campus with full equipment and modern facilities. International students are guaranteed a full life experience of the US education system - a world-class; the opportunity to communicate with the school's students come from over 35 different countries around the world. Small classes with 12 students and class size ratio of students and teachers is 7: 1. Students can choose to stay in hostels, with host families or stay with relatives.
Country |
Scholarships |
Requirements |
Australia |
High school scholarship values $2,500-$5,000, by Taylors College. |
- Have good academic achievements in grade 6 to grade 9/10. - Meet the requirements of standarlized and English tests, interview with school representatives.
United Kingdom |
50% Tuition scholarship grade A-level, INTO University of East Anglia |
- To meet the requirements of academic English tests. - Be an excellent students - Pass the test of Math - An 200-word hand-written essay and interview with school representatives |
25% tuition scholarship grade A-level, INTO Manchester |
- To meet the requirements of academic input and English - A 200-word essay |
Scholarships of 20% or 40% grade A-level, Bellerbys College |
- Students need to have the passion and desire to study at school. - Have excellent academic results in the last two academic years (GPA disciplines (TBMs)> 8.0 - the core subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Foreign Languages no individual under 8.0) - Demonstrating the maturity, dynamism, creativity and leadership - Demonstrate an understanding of the school and the curriculum - Interview with school representatives |
The United States |
50% High school scholarship, CATS Academy Boston
- Students of grade 8 to grade 11 in Vietnam - Good student with the last 3 years GPA >8.5 - Pass TOEFL / IELTS English test or input required by the school - Interview with school representatives
100% scholarship at CATS Academy Boston Global Scholar Award (2015 - 2016), |
- Students of grade 8 to grade 11 in Vietnam - Good student with the last 3 years GPA >9. - Pass TOEFL / IELTS English test or input required by the school - An essay required by the school - Interview with school representatives |
- University of Alabama System
- University of Alabama(Alabama) (Tuscaloosa- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham(UAB)
- University of Alabama in Huntsville(UAH)
- Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University(Alabama A&M)
- Alabama State University(AlabamaState)
- Athens State University
- AuburnUniversity system
- Auburn University(Auburn) (Auburn- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- Auburn University at Montgomery
- Jacksonville State University
- University of Montevallo
- University of North Alabama(UNA)
- University of South Alabama(USA)
- Troy Universitysystem
- Troy University(Troy) (Troy- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- Troy University at Dothan
- Troy University at Montgomery
- Tuskegee University
- University of West Alabama(UWA)
- University of Alaska System
- University of Alaska Fairbanks(UAF) (Fairbanks-cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Alaska Anchorage(UAA)
- University of Alaska Southeast(UAS)
American Samoa
- American Samoa Community College(hiện đào tạo chương trình 02 năm, cấp bằng Associate’s degrees)
- University of Arkansas System
- Arkansas State University
- Arkansas Tech University
- University of Central Arkansas(UCA)
- Henderson State University
- Southern Arkansas University
California State University system
- California State University, Bakersfield(CSUB)
- California State University, Channel Islands
- California State University, Chico(Chico State)
- California State University, Dominguez Hills
- California State University, East Bay
- California State University, Fresno(Fresno State)
- California State University, Fullerton(Fullerton, CSUF, or CSF)
- Humboldt State University
- California State University, Long Beach(Long Beach State or Cal State Long Beach)
- California State University, Los Angeles
- California Maritime Academy
- California State University, Monterey Bay
- California State University, Northridge(CSUN (pronounced C Sun))
- California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(Cal Poly Pomona)
- California State University, Sacramento(CSU Sacramento or Sacramento State)
- California State University, San Bernardino(CSUSB)
- San Diego State University(SDSU)
- San Francisco State University(SFSU)
- San Jose State University(SJSU)
- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(Cal Poly San Luis Obispo or Cal Poly SLO)
- California State University, San Marcos
- Sonoma State University
- California State University, Stanislaus
University of California system
- University of California, Berkeley(UC Berkeley, Cal, or Berkeley) – (Berkeley-unofficial flagship/main campus)
- University of California, Davis(UC Davis or Davis)
- University of California, Hastings College of the Law(law school; administered separately from the other UC campuses)
- University of California, Irvine(UC Irvine, Irvine, or UCI)
- University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)
- University of California, Merced(UC Merced)
- University of California, Riverside(UC Riverside or UCR)
- University of California, San Diego(UC San Diego or UCSD)
- University of California, San Francisco(UCSF)
- University of California, Santa Barbara(UC Santa Barbara or UCSB)
- University of California, Santa Cruz(UC Santa Cruz or UCSC)
- Adams State College
- University of Coloradosystem
- University of Colorado at Boulder(Colorado) (Boulder- cở sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Colorado Colorado Springs
- University of Colorado Denver
- Colorado Mesa University
- Colorado School of Mines
- Colorado State Universitysystem
- Colorado State University(Colorado State) (Fort Collins- cở sở đào tạo chính)
- Colorado State University–Pueblo
- Fort Lewis College
- Metropolitan State University of Denver
- University of Northern Colorado
- Western State College of Colorado
- Connecticut State University System
- Hệ thống University of Connecticut(UConn)
District of Columbia
1/ State University System of Florida
- Florida A&M University
- Florida Atlantic University(FAU)
- Florida Gulf Coast University(FGCU)
- Florida International University(FIU)
- Florida State University(FSU)
- New College of Florida
- University of Central Florida(UCF)
- University of Florida(UF)
- University of North Florida(UNF)
- University of South Florida(USF)
- University of West Florida(UWF)
- University System of Georgia
- Albany State University
- Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Augusta State University
- Clayton State University
- Columbus State University
- Dalton State College
- Fort Valley State University
- University of Georgia(UGA)
- Georgia College and State University
- Georgia Health Sciences University
- Georgia Institute of Technology(Georgia Tech)
- Georgia Southern University
- Georgia Southwestern State University
- Georgia State University
- Kennesaw State University
- Macon State College
- Middle Georgia College
- North Georgia College and State University(NGCSU)
- Savannah State University
- Southern Polytechnic State University
- Valdosta State University(VSU)
- University of West Georgia(UWG)
- University of Hawaiisystem
- University of Hawaii at Manoa(Hawaii) (Manoa- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Hawaii at Hilo
- University of Hawaii-West Oahu
- Boise State University(BoiseState hoặc BSU)
- University of Idaho(U of I hoặc UI)
- Idaho State University(IdahoState)
- Lewis-Clark State College
- Concordia University Chicago
- Chicago State University(ChicagoState)
- Eastern Illinois University(EIU)
- Governors State University
- Illinois State University(IllinoisState)
- University of Illinois system
- University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign(Illinois) (Urbana and Champaign- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Illinois at Chicago(UIC)
- University of Illinois at Springfield
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Northern Illinois University(NIU)
- Hệ thống các trường Southern Illinois University
- Southern Illinois University Carbondale(SIU) (Carbondale-cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville(SIUE)
- Western Illinois University(WIU)
- Ball State University
- Indiana University System
- Indiana University Bloomington(Indiana hoặc IU) (Bloomington-cơ sở đào tạo chính
- Indiana University East
- Indiana University Kokomo(IUK)
- Indiana University Northwest
- Indiana University South Bend(IUSB)
- Indiana University Southeast
- Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis(IUPUI)
- Indiana University – Purdue University Columbus(IUPUC)
- Indiana State University
- Ivy Tech Community College System(23 cơ sở đào tạo)
- Purdue University system
- University of Southern Indiana
- Vincennes University(VU)
- Emporia State University
- Fort Hays State University
- University of Kansas(Kansas)
- Kansas State University(K-State or KSU)
- Pittsburg State University
- Wichita State University
Note: Washburn University tại Topeka
- Eastern Kentucky University(EKU)
- University of Kentucky(Kentucky hoặc UK)
- Kentucky State University
- University of Louisville(Louisville, U of L, hoặc UL)
- Morehead State University
- Murray State University
- Northern Kentucky University(NKU)
- Western Kentucky University(WKU)
- Louisiana State University and A&M College(LSU) (Baton Rouge- Cơ sở đào tạo chính0
- Louisiana State University at Alexandria
- Louisiana State University at Eunice
- Louisiana State University in Shreveport
- Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport(khoa Y)
- Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans(Khoa Y
- Paul M. Hebert Law Center(Khoa Luật ở tạo cơ sở đào tạo Baton Rouge)
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette(ULL) (Lafayette- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- Grambling State University
- University of Louisiana at Monroe(ULM)
- University of New Orleans(UNO)
- Louisiana Tech University
- McNeese State University
- Nicholls State University
- Northwestern State University
- Southeastern Louisiana University
- Southern University, (Baton Rouge- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- Southern University at New Orleans
- Southern University at Shreveport
- University of Maine at Orono(Maine) (Orono-cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of Maine at Augusta
- University of Maine at Farmington
- University of Maine at Fort Kent
- University of Maine at Machias
- University of Maine at Presque Isle
- University of Southern Maine
- University of Maine Law School
- Morgan State University
- Mary’s College of Maryland
- University System of Maryland
- University of Maryland, College Park(Maryland, UMCP, hoặc UMD) (College Park- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- Bowie State University
- Coppin State University
- Frostburg State University
- Salisbury University
- Towson University(Towson)
- University of Baltimore(UB)
- University of Maryland, Baltimore(UM Baltimore hoặc UMB)
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County(UMBC)
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore(UMES)
- University of Maryland University College(UMUC)
- University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
- University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
- Virginia–Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine(VMRCVM) (Gồm cả hai trường University of Maryland, College Park & Virginia Tech)
- CáctrườngUniversity of Massachusetts
- University of Massachusetts Amherst(UMass Amherst) (Amherst-cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of Massachusetts Boston(UMass Boston)
- University of Massachusetts Dartmouth(UMass Dartmouth)
- University of Massachusetts Lowell(UMass Lowell)
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- StateUniversity system
- Central Michigan University(CMU)
- Eastern Michigan University(EMU)
- Ferris State University(FerrisState)
- Grand Valley State University(GrandValleyState hoặc GVSU)
- Lake Superior State University
- University of Michigan system
- University of Michigan(Michigan) (Ann Arbor- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Michigan–Dearborn
- University of Michigan-Flint
- Michigan State University(MichiganState)
- Michigan Technological University(Michigan Tech)
- Northern Michigan University(NMU)
- Oakland University
- Saginaw Valley State University
- Wayne State University
- Western Michigan University(WMU)
- Alcorn State University
- Delta State University(DeltaState)
- Jackson State University(JacksonState)
- Mississippi State University(MississippiState)
- Mississippi University for Women(MUW)
- Mississippi Valley State University
- University of Mississippi(Ole Miss)
- University of Southern Mississippi(Southern Miss hoặc USM)
- University of Central Missouri(UCM)
- Harris-Stowe State University
- Lincoln University of Missouri
- University of Missouri System
- University of Missouri(Missouri or Mizzou) (Columbia- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of Missouri–Kansas City(UMKC)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology
- University of Missouri–St. Louis
- Missouri Southern State University
- Missouri State University
- Missouri Western State University
- Northwest Missouri State University
- Southeast Missouri State University
- Truman State University
- Montana State University System
- Montana State University(Montana State) (Bozeman- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- GallatinCollegeMontanaStateUniversity (Bozeman)
- Montana State University Billings(Billings)
- CityCollege at MontanaStateUniversityBillings (Billings)
- Montana State University – Northern(Havre)
- Great Falls College Montana State University(Great Falls)
- University of Montana System
- The University of Montana(Montana) (Missoula- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- Missoula College University of Montana(Missoula)
- University of Montana Western(Dillon)
- Montana Tech of The University of Montana(Butte)
- HighlandsCollege of Montana Tech (Butte)
- Helena College University of Montana(Helena)
- BitterrootCollegeUniversity of Montana (Hamilton)
- Nebraska State College SystemUniversity of Nebraska system
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln(Nebraska) (Lincoln- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of Nebraska at Kearney
- University of Nebraska at Omaha
- University of Nebraska Medical Center
- Nevada System of Higher Education
- University of Nevada, Reno(UNR) (Reno- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- College of Southern Nevada
- Great Basin College(là trường cao đẳng cộng đồng có đào tạo một số chương trình cử nhân)
- Nevada State College, Henderson
- Western Nevada College
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas(UNLV)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
- Kean University
- The College of New Jersey
- University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
- Montclair State University
- New Jersey City University
- New Jersey Institute of Technology(NJIT)
- Ramapo College of New Jersey
- Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
- Rowan University
- Rutgers, The State University of New JerseysystemThomas Edison State College
- Rutgers University(Rutgers) (New Brunswick and Piscataway-Cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- Rutgers-Newark
- Rutgers-Camden
- William Paterson University of New Jersey
New Mexico
- University of New Mexico(New Mexico hoặc UNM)
- New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology(New Mexico Tech)
- New Mexico State University(NMSU)
- New Mexico Highlands University
- Eastern New Mexico University(ENMU)
- Western New Mexico University(WNMU)
New York
- City University of New York(CUNY) system
- Colleges
- Graduate and professional schools
- Community Colleges
- Hệ thong các trường State University of New York(SUNY)
- University Centers
- University at Albany, State University of New York(University of Albany or Albany)
- Binghamton University
- University at Buffalo, The State University of New York(Buffalo)
- Stony Brook University(Stony Brook)
- Other Doctoral-Granting Institutions
- Health Science Center Brooklyn
- State University of New York Upstate Medical University
- New York State College of Ceramics(contract college at Alfred University)
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences(là trường hợp đồng tại trường Cornell University)
- College of Human Ecology(là trường hợp đồng tại trường Cornell University)
- College of Veterinary Medicine(là trường hợp đồng tại trường Cornell University)
- School of Industrial and Labor Relations(là trường hợp đồng tại trường Cornell University)
- State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
- State University of New York State College of Optometry
- University Colleges
- Buffalo State College
- Empire State College
- State University of New York at Brockport(SUNY Brockport)
- State University of New York at Cortland(SUNY Cortland)
- State University of New York at Fredonia(SUNY Fredonia)
- State University of New York at Geneseo(SUNY Geneseo)
- State University of New York at New Paltz(SUNY New Paltz)
- State University of New York at Old Westbury(SUNY Old Westbury)
- State University of New York at Oneonta(SUNY Oneonta)
- State University of New York at Oswego(SUNY Oswego)
- State University of New York at Plattsburgh(SUNY Plattsburgh)
- State University of New York at Potsdam(SUNY Potsdam)
- State University of New York at Purchase(SUNY Purchase)
- Technology Colleges
- Alfred State College
- State University of New York at Canton(SUNY Canton)
- State University of New York at Cobleskill(SUNY Cobleskill)
- State University of New York at Delhi(SUNY Delhi)
- State University of New York at Farmingdale(SUNY Farmingdale)
- State University of New York at Morrisville(SUNY Morrisville)
- State University of New York Institute of Technology(SUNY IT)
- State University of New York Maritime College(SUNY Maritime)
- Community Colleges
- Adirondack, Broome, Cayuga, Clinton, Columbia-Greene, Corning, Dutchess, Erie,Finger Lakes, Fulton-Montgomery, Genesee, Herkimer County, Hudson Valley,Jamestown, Jefferson, Mohawk Valley, Monroe, Nassau, Niagara County, North Country,Onondaga, Orange County, Rockland, Schenectady County, Suffolk County, Sullivan County, Tompkins Cortland, Ulster County, Westchester
- Fashion Institute of Technology(FIT) (là trường cao đẳng cộng đồng có đào tạo một số chương trình cử nhân và thạc sỹ)
- University Centers
North Carolina
- University of North Carolinasystem
- Appalachian State University(bang Appalachian hoặc bang Appy)
- East Carolina University(ECU)
- Elizabeth City State University
- Fayetteville State University
- North Carolina A&T State University(North Carolina A&T)
- North Carolina Central University(North Carolina Central hoặc NCCU)
- North Carolina State University(North CarolinaState hoặc NCSU)
- University of North Carolina at Asheville(UNC Asheville hoặc UNCA)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(UNC Chapel Hill hoặc UNC)
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte(UNC Charlotte hoặc Charlotte)
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro(UNC Greensboro hoặc UNCG)
- University of North Carolina at Pembroke(UNC Pembroke)
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington(UNC Wilmington hoặc UNCW)
- University of North Carolina School of the Arts(Khoa nghệ thuật)
- Western Carolina University(WCU)
- Winston-Salem State University
North Dakota
- Dickinson State University
- Mayville State University
- Minot State University
- University of North Dakota(UND)
- North Dakota State University(North DakotaState hoặc NDSU)
- Valley City State University
Northern Mariana Islands
- University System of Ohio
- University of Akron(Akron)
- Bowling Green State University(BGSU)
- BGSU Firelands(Huron)
- Central State University
- University of Cincinnati system
- University of Cincinnati(UC, Cincy, hoặc Cincinnati) (Cincinnati-cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of Cincinnati, ClermontCollege (Batavia)
- University of Cincinnati, RaymondWaltersCollege (Blue Ash)
- Cleveland State University
- Kent State Universitysystem
- MiamiUniversity system
- Miami University(Oxford- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- MiamiUniversityHamilton
- MiamiUniversityMiddletown
- MiamiUniversityDoliboisEuropeanCenter (Differdange, Luxembourg)
- The OhioStateUniversity system
- Ohio State University(OSU or Ohio State) (Columbus-cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute(Wooster)
- Ohio State University, Lima Campus(OSU Lima)
- Ohio State University, Mansfield Campus(OSU Mansfield)
- Ohio State University, Marion Campus(OSU Marion)
- Ohio State University, Newark Campus(OSU Newark)
- Ohio Universitysystem
- OhioUniversity (Ohio) (Athens-cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- OhioUniversityChillicothe
- OhioUniversity Eastern (St. Clairsville)
- OhioUniversityLancaster
- OhioUniversity Pickerington
- OhioUniversity Southern (Ironton)
- OhioUniversityZanesville
- Shawnee State University
- University of Toledo
- Wright State University
- Youngstown State University
- Cameron University
- University of Central Oklahoma(Central Oklahoma hoặc OCU)
- East Central University
- Langston University
- Northeastern State University
- Northwestern Oklahoma State University
- Hệ thống University of Oklahoma
- University of Oklahoma(Oklahoma) (Norman-cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Oklahoma-Tulsa
- University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
- Oklahoma Panhandle State University
- Oklahoma State University System
- Rogers State University
- University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
- Southeastern Oklahoma State University
- Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Oregon University System
- Eastern Oregon University(EOU)
- University of Oregon(Oregon)
- Oregon Health and Science University(OHSU)
- Oregon Institute of Technology(Oregon IT or OIT)
- Oregon State University(OregonState)
- Portland State University(PortlandState)
- Southern Oregon University(SOU)
- Western Oregon University(WOU)
- State-owned universities:
- Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
- California University of Pennsylvania
- Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
- Clarion University of Pennsylvania
- ClarionUniversity of Pennsylvania, Venango
- East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
- Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania(IUP)
- IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania, Academy of Culinary Arts
- IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania, Armstrong
- IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania, Northpointe
- IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney
- Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
- Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
- LockHavenUniversity of Pennsylvania, Clearfield
- Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
- Millersville University of Pennsylvania
- Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
- Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
- West Chester University of Pennsylvania
- State-related institutions:
- Lincoln University
- Pennsylvania State University(Penn State) (là trường có nhiều cơ sở, được quản lý về mặt hành chính từ trường đại học Park) (University Park- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- Penn State Abington
- Penn State Altoona
- Penn State Berks
- Penn State College of Medicine
- Penn State Dickinson School of Law
- Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
- Penn State Great Valley
- Penn State Harrisburg
- Pennsylvania College of Technology
- UniversityCollege
- Penn State Beaver
- Penn State Brandywine
- Penn State DuBois
- Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus
- Penn State Greater Allegheny
- Penn State Hazleton
- Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Penn State Mont Alto
- Penn State New Kensington
- Penn State Schuylkill
- Penn State Shenango
- Penn State Wilkes-Barre
- Penn State Worthington Scranton
- Penn State York
- Temple University(Temple)
- University of Pittsburgh(Pittsburgh or Pitt)
Puerto Rico
- University of Puerto Ricosystem (UPR)
- University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras(UPR-RP) (Rio Piedras-cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla(UPRAG)
- University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo(UPRA)
- University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón(UPRB)
- University of Puerto Rico at Carolina(UPRC)
- University of Puerto Rico at Cayey(UPR-Cayey)
- University of Puerto Rico at Humacao(UPRH)
- University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez(UPRM)
- University of Puerto Rico at Ponce(UPRP)
- University of Puerto Rico at Utuado(UPRU)
- University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus(UPR-CM)
- School of Plastic Arts of Puerto Rico
- Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
- Rhode Island College
- University of Rhode Islandsystem
- University of Rhode Island(Rhode Island or URI) (Kingston-cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- URI Feinstein Campus in Providence
- URI Narragansett Bay Campus in Narragansett
- URI W. Alton Jones Campus in West Greenwich
South Carolina
- The Citadel
- Clemson University
- Coastal Carolina University
- College of Charleston(Charleston or CoC)
- Francis Marion University
- Lander University
- Medical University of South Carolina
- University of South Carolina System
- University of South Carolina Columbia(South Carolina, USC, or SC) (Columbia- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of South Carolina Aiken
- University of South Carolina Beaufort
- University of South Carolina Lancaster
- University of South Carolina Salkehatchie
- University of South Carolina Sumter
- University of South Carolina Union
- University of South Carolina Upstate
- South Carolina State University
- Winthrop University
South Dakota
- Black Hills State University
- Dakota State University
- Northern State University
- University of South Dakota(South Dakota)
- South Dakota School of Mines & Technology(South Dakota Mines)
- South Dakota State University(South DakotaState)
- Tennessee Board of Regents(TBR) (Listed below are the state universities. The TBR also includes the state’s community colleges and technology centers.)
- University of Memphis(U of M) (Memphis- cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- Austin Peay State University(Austin Peay or APSU)
- East Tennessee State University(ETSU)
- Middle Tennessee State University(MTSU)
- Tennessee State University(TSU)
- Tennessee Technological University(Tennessee Tech or TTU)
- University of Tennessee System(UT, UTC, & UT Martin là các cơ sở đào tạo chính, trong khi UTHSC và Space Institute là hai cơ sở đào tạo khác)
- University of Tennessee at Knoxville(UT Knoxville, UTK, or UT) (Knoxville- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- University of Tennessee at Chattanooga(UT Chattanooga hoặc UTC)
- University of Tennessee at Martin(UT Martin)
- University of Tennessee Health Science Center(UTHSC hoặc UT Medical School) (tại Memphis)
- University of Tennessee Space Institute(UT Space Institute) (tại Tullahoma)
- University of Houston SystemMidwestern State University
- University of North Texas SystemStephen F. Austin State University (S.F.AustinState hoặc StephenF.AustinState)
- The University of Texas System
- The University of Texas at Arlington(UT Arlington)
- The University of Texas at Austin(Texas or UT Austin)
- The University of Texas at Brownsville(UT Brownsville)
- The University of Texas at Dallas(UT Dallas)
- The University of Texas at El Paso(UTEP)
- The University of Texas–Pan American(UT Pan American hoặc UTPA)
- The University of Texas of the Permian Basin(UT Permian Basin hoặc UT Permian)
- The University of Texas at San Antonio(UT San Antonio hoặc UTSA)
- The University of Texas at Tyler(UT Tyler)
- Texas A&M University SystemTexas Southern University
- Prairie View A&M University
- Tarleton State University
- Texas A&M International University
- Texas A&M University(Texas A&M or A&M)
- Texas A&M University–Commerce(Texas A&M Commerce hoặc A&M Commerce)
- Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi(Texas A&M Corpus Christi hoặc A&M Corpus Christi)
- Texas A&M University–Kingsville(Texas A&M Kingsville hoặc A&M Kingsville)
- Texas A&M University–Texarkana(Texas A&M Texarkana hoặc A&M Texarkana)
- West Texas A&M University(West Texas A&M hoặc WTA&M (pronounced as WTA & M))
- Texas State University System
- Lamar University
- Sam Houston State University(Sam Houston hoặc SHSU)
- Sul Ross State University
- Texas State University–San Marcos(TexasStateSan Marcos)
- Texas Tech University System
- Southern Utah University(Southern Utah hoặc SUU)
- University of Utah(Utah or UU)
- Utah State University(UtahState hoặc USU)
- Utah Valley University(UtahValley hoặc UVU)
- Weber State University(WeberState)
- Vermont State CollegesUniversity of Vermont(UVM)
- Castleton State College(CastletonState hoặc Castleton)
- Community College of Vermont
- Johnson State College
- Lyndon State College
- Vermont Technical College(Vermont Tech)
- Christopher Newport University(CNU)
- Eastern Virginia Medical School
- George Mason University(GMU)
- James Madison University(JMU)
- Longwood University
- University of Mary Washington(Mary Washington)
- Norfolk State University
- Old Dominion University(Old Dominion hoặc ODU)
- Radford University
- University of Virginia(UVA)
- University of Virginia’s College at Wise(UVA tại Wise hoặc UVA-Wise)
- Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU)
- Virginia Military Institute(VMI)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University(Virginia Tech)Virginia State University
- Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine(VMRCVM) (gồm cả Virginia Tech & University of Maryland, College Park)
- The College of William & Mary (William & Mary)
Virgin Islands, United States
- Hệ thống University of the Virgin Islands
- University of the Virgin Islands- St. Croix campus (UVI-St. Croix)
- University of the Virgin Islands- St. Thomas campus (UVI-St. Thomas)
- Central Washington University(CWU)
- Eastern Washington University(EWU)
- The Evergreen State College
- Gonzaga University
- University of Washingtonsystem
- University of Washington(UW) (Seattle- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- UW Tacomacampus
- UW Bothellcampus
- Washington State Universitysystem
- Washington State University(WSU) (Pullman- cơ sở đàotạo chính)
- WSU Spokanecampus
- WSU Tri-Citiescampus
- WSU Vancouvercampus
- Western Washington University(WWU)
- Whitman College
- Whitworth College
West Virginia
- Concord University
- Fairmont State University
- Glenville State College
- Marshall UniversityShepherd University
- University of Charleston
- West Liberty University
- Hệ thông các trường West Virginia University
- West Virginia University(West Virginia hoặc WVU) (Morgantown- cơ sở đào tạo chính)
- Potomac State College of West Virginia University(Potomac State College hoặc PotomacState)
- West Virginia University Institute of Technology(West Virginia Tech hoặc WVU Tech)
- West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
- West Virginia State University
- University of Wisconsin System
- University of Wisconsin–Madison(Wisconsin hoặc UW) (Madison-cơ sở đạo tạo chính)
- University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire(UW-Eau Claire hoặc Eau Claire)
- University of Wisconsin–Green Bay(UW-GreenBay hoặc Green Bay)
- University of Wisconsin–La Crosse(UW-La Crosse hoặc La Crosse)
- University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee(UW-Milwaukee hoặc Milwaukee)
- University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh(UW-Oshkosh hoặc Oshkosh)
- University of Wisconsin–Parkside(UW-Parksid hoặc Parkside)
- University of Wisconsin–Platteville(UW-Platteville hoặc Platteville)
- University of Wisconsin–River Falls(UW-RiverFallshoặc RiverFalls)
- University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point(UW-Stevens Point hoặc Stevens Point)
- University of Wisconsin–Stout(UW-Stout or Stout)
- University of Wisconsin–Superior(UW-Superior hoặc Superior)
- University of Wisconsin–Whitewater(UW-Whitewater hoặc Whitewater)
Here are some motivational reasons for you on the studying abroad path:
1. Widening your vision
The most important reason when choosing a school is that you can widen your vision. Due to that, you can have the different aspect of yourself, your country and the people where you come to. Studying abroad gives you so many opportunities to visit the most atractive places, beatiful landscapes in the world.
2. Acessing to the excellent education system
Most of Western Countries always highly apprecciate that education is an essential part in the development of the country. So they are interested in and investing remarkably to improve the education. Because of this reason, your decision of going to study abroad in developed countries like the US, Australia, Canada, the UK,.. is giving you more rare opportunities in your future career. As you know, each education system is awlays affected by the culture of that country. So, the necessity here is that you must know how to choose suitable programme for you with your actual needs. Thus, you can create your successful future life.
3. Extending your knowledge of the countries’ cultures and customs.
To young students, beside from acessing to the excellent education, studying abroad is also the good way to extend your knowledge of the new culture and the customs in the real way. Every country has its own special culture. If you intend to study in the US, you can be able to know more about many different culture, because the US is known as an United Nation and multi-culture country. So living in the US for just the short time, we believe that you can have a better knowledge of the culture where you are living.
4. Practising your language skills
It is said that “ If you know one language, you only live once. But if you know two languages, you live twice” This quote is definitely true. Indeed, when studying abroad in an Englsih speaking country, you must use English to talk to them, even in the basis. Even if you are in your school are homestay, you always have to use English. Due to this, your English skills will improve rapidly.
5. Making friends from over the world
One of the advantages of studying abroad is that you can have the opportunities to meet new friends from all over the world. This chance can make you know more about the culture as well as establish the relationship with other students, This can help you overcome you homesickness, and you can share with your friends all the troubles you have in study and living when you come to a whole different country.
6. Life experience
To all the students, studying abroad is not only a great chance to widen their knowledge, but also the experience of short holiday in summer. This makes the students’ lives more interesting. Also, international students can be able to live more independently. That makes studying abroad so memorable and unforgetable.
My name is Ngo Ba Huy. I am 17 years old. Currently, I am living in Australia and strudying at Footscray City College. I am very thankful to Au My Uc International Education Consultancy Co., Ltd that gave me a chance to study in my dream country Australia.
I really like Melbourne city at the first time when I arrived in the airport. I love everything in here, from the beautiful scenes to my college, and also the streets and the friendly Australian peple here. Currently, my study is in the progress and getting better. Beside that, I also make new international friends from all over the world like Japan, Indonesia, Thailan, HongKong, Taiwan,.. Due to that, my English skills is very good now and I can do all the difficult assignments at school.
Every morning, in the way to school, I always feel very comfortable. I usually have breakfast at 8:30am and prepare for the first class at 9:00am. At first, it used to be very difficult for me to grasp, but I believe that I can do better than this
I love the amazing life, the weather, and also the behavior of the people here.The education system here and the traffic in this developed country has made me think about myself to improve to be like them. They have taught me lots of new things, and they are totally different from the way I had learned many years ago. I can know how to learn things, how to make things in here. I would love to continue studying in this beautiful country until I finish my study in High School to University.
Today, the concept study was no longer new to the majority of students. With scholarships to study abroad or study in the form of self-sufficiency are the development direction innovative thinking and cultivate personal best bravery. With young people with outstanding academic achievement and passionate spirit of the work all the conditions for a scholarship to study abroad opportunity is entirely possible story. To help you get the first facility in the whole process of applying for scholarship, our company will help you make some of the conditions for scholarships reference as follows.
One of the conditions for the scholarships is extremely important is the profile of your scholarship application must be really impressed. You should know that these scholarships are the dream of thousands of students who intend to study like you, so you must be very special, very unique. In order to contribute to improving the conditions for the scholarships, these things you absolutely can draw from the experience of daily life, from the workshops and even from the conversations around the theme of life. You need to determine what is your motivation and try to turn that up as sharp as possible in your essay.
The second point you are interested in the scholarships conditions are type of scholarships that you choose. Different scholarships have different requirements as well as specific requirements. Therefore, you should learn and consider carefully the conditions for scholarships before deciding to apply. For example, in Australia, a number of Australian universities as admission scholarship is averaging 8.0 points or more, IELTS achieved from 6.5 upwards. Full scholarships for postgraduate program will typically provide the government. For Young Leaders Scholarship in the US is required to be considered for admission is that you must have at least 1 years working in state agencies.
The third point you are interested is achievement and learning ability, your thinking ability through standardized tests. If the assessment of learning GPA (GPA) is depending on scale and training programs of each country, the consideration to the results of standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL, SAT, GRE based on the test results.
Important factors throughout the scholarship application is your cover letter. This is a trump card. Please use the relationships and choices people holding positions of high status and make decisions by introducing them to write a letter for you. Add the important point is that people should really understand you, because virtually the scholarship application file will be checked through the phone or email verification. If you choose to write letters of recommendation do not understand you, maybe they will not answer the verification questions and that is absolutely not accepted the conditions for scholarships, meaning that the entire dossier of your scholarship application is denied.
Finally, indispensable elements it is lucky. You bet and if you win this time, you will feel extremely honored and proud. Or whether you have prepared well but it fails then please just keep the faith and never give up! We believes that with the information given above will help you feel more confidence and good luck to you on the way to conquer the long road ahead.
Add: 17B Truong Van Hai Street, Tang Nhon Phu B Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City
Hotline: 090 996 4795
Today, the concept study was no longer new to the majority of students. With scholarships to study abroad or study in the form of self-sufficiency are the development direction innovative thinking and cultivate personal best bravery. With young people with outstanding academic achievement and passionate spirit of the work all the conditions for a scholarship to study abroad opportunity is entirely possible story. To help you get the first facility in the whole process of applying for scholarship, our company will help you make some of the conditions for scholarships reference as follows.
One of the conditions for the scholarships is extremely important is the profile of your scholarship application must be really impressed. You should know that these scholarships are the dream of thousands of students who intend to study like you, so you must be very special, very unique. In order to contribute to improving the conditions for the scholarships, these things you absolutely can draw from the experience of daily life, from the workshops and even from the conversations around the theme of life . You need to determine what is your motivation and try to turn that up as sharp as possible in your essay.
The second point you are interested in the scholarships conditions are type of scholarships that you choose. Different scholarships have different requirements as well as specific requirements. Therefore, you should learn and consider carefully the conditions for scholarships before deciding to apply. For example, in Australia, a number of Australian universities as admission scholarship is averaging 8.0 points or more, IELTS achieved from 6.5 upwards. Full scholarships for postgraduate program will typically provide the government. For Young Leaders Scholarship in the US is required to be considered for admission is that you must have at least 1 years working in state agencies.
The third point you are interested is achievement and learning ability, your thinking ability through standardized tests. If the assessment of learning GPA (GPA) is depending on scale and training programs of each country, the consideration to the results of standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL, SAT, GRE based on the test results.
Important factors throughout the scholarship application is your cover letter. This is a trump card. Please use the relationships and choices people holding positions of high status and make decisions by introducing them to write a letter for you. Add the important point is that people should really understand you, because virtually the scholarship application file will be checked through the phone or email verification. If you choose to write letters of recommendation do not understand you, maybe they will not answer the verification questions and that is absolutely not accepted the conditions for scholarships, meaning that the entire dossier of your scholarship application is denied.
Finally, indispensable elements it is lucky. You bet and if you win this time, you will feel extremely honored and proud. Or whether you have prepared well but it fails then please just keep the faith and never give up! We believes that with the information given above will help you feel more confidence and good luck to you on the way to conquer the long road ahead.
Address: 17B Truong Van Hai Street, Tang Nhon Phu B Ward, District 9, HCM City
Hotline: 090 996 4795
After graduating from high school in Vietnam find themselves wishing to study at an American school, I stumbled to the company International Education Consultants Australia Europe and America. Here you have received the dedicated consulting company, as well as detailed instructions on the file and the process for preparing to study in a whole new country.
Study abroad is no longer a story like "where parents set, I will sit there." The younger generation of today shows the dynamism their dependence of life including education. More and more young people actively choose the path of self-study, curriculum and even win the scholarship rewards for themselves. How about you?
Now all the students who want to study at Australian Catholic University (ACU) particularly and in Australia generally, can be able to get a 50% tuition fee scholarship offered by ACU. This scholarship is for international students who have excellent academic achievments. This scholarship is called ISS (International Student Scholarship).
Every year, the school offers 20 scholarships for international students from around the world. This scholarship values 50% of the tuition fee in a year studying st ACU.
What do you need to be eligible for this scholarship?
- You have to be an excellent student with good academic achievements in the last 2 years.
- You are not a resident of Australia.
- Have obtained admission into a program of the University, Graduate School of the ACU or PhD
- The curriculum is a full-time program
- You haven’t received scholarships or awards before.
- You are not the ACU students of Study Abroad programs and student exchange
- Application timeline: this scholarship is applied to 2017, From 1/03/2017 to 25/05/2017
After receiving a scholarship, students must maintain good academic performance in school time, maintain full-time study program and became an ambassador for the ACU.
Why should you choose Australian Catholic University – ACU?
Nowadays, international students choose to study abroad is not basically to access to the excellent education system in other countries, but also to experience the diverse lifestyles and their various cultures, to be creative and independent when living in their country. The demand to learnm to experience and to express themselves of our young generation is getting higher. Beside the academic curriculum, the school also fucuses on the physical development and other social, team activities. You can esily adapt to the native lifestyle and expand your relationship with everyone.
ACU is one of the best schools which have many great extracurricular activities related to various fields such as culture, society and sports. Schools also very focuses on enabling students to apply what they have learned into practice in the short-term internship program.
Have fun while learning, just in line with the dynamism of the younger generation.
University of South Australia – UniSA was founded in 1991, is an advanced university. Currently the school has attracted more than 34,000 students with nearly 1/3 are international students from 88 countries around the world. After graduation, the students not only get a degree but also the experience and practical skills obtained to meet the requirements of professional work in the future. The school now has 2 attractive scholarship programs for international students.
Scholarship Values:
- Merit-based scholarship worths 25%.
- International Excellence Scholarships of VC (vice premier) worth 50%.
Notice: The 50% scholarship is limited so if you are eligible please register as soon as possible.
The 25% scholarship is not limited in this time.
School Information:
University of South Australia – UniSA has 5 main campuses: City West Campus, City East Campus, Magin Campus, Mawson Lakes Campus and Whyalla Campus with modern learning and teching designed to meet the needs of modern development of a university of international standard. UniSA is also known for eight research institutes, 13 research centers and a staff of up to 2,287 people.
According to the latest publication of the Organization ranking of world Universities (ARWU), James Cook University (JCU) has entered the list of top 300 universities in the world. This is the first time, JCU has confirmed his position, took the top spot 301-400 universities worldwide during the past 6 years.
JCU is one of Australia's 23 universities were ranked in the top 500 universities in the world prestige and rank 12 in Australia.
On this occasion, Professor Cocklin - Acting Deputy Prime Minister said:
"James Cook University is Australia's universities are being evaluated as a large field, ranks high in the world and there are so many great achievements. I wish to pay tribute to the talents of researchers and will continue to devote the work for us. Ranking for us today is a testament to the research activities is extremely serious in many areas, particularly marine, tropical health and JCU's medical school. "
On this occasion, James Cook would like to be notified of the scholarship:
1. 20% scholarship for the first semester tuition fee applicable to a degree program.
- Score high academic achievement of 80% or higher
- Apply for admission courses in 2017
2. 10% scholarships are applied to tuition semester college course or college.
- Apply for admission courses in 2017
Information about institution
The Queensland Government schools have over 15 years experience in providing education programs to students from around the world. On the occasion of this new academic year scholarships for EQI exemplary student began in the international program. Scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to share their experiences through certification, networking and social media; coordinate with EQI as an international student ambassadors. The 3rd recruitment date began on 1st August and ends on October 15, 2016.
Country: 4 scholarship programs for international students belongs to any nationality.
Scholarship Value: AU$5,000 tuition fee
Program: for all programs, except High School or Queensland Academy
Special conditions: must be enrolled in at least one year
Area: Cairns, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, the Gold Coast, and Regional Queensland
Duration: 1 year term, in 2017 ( starting after 2017 will be considered on request)
As you know, more and more international students in general and especially Vietnam students realize that studying at community colleges is a solid step to transfer to 4-year universities. Many students started to study in the U.S in the community colleges and continued further studies at universities and achieve significant contributions. This shows us that the community college is a door into the universities because of the following reasons:
- Low costs
Tuition at community college may be lower than 1/3 of tuition than four-year universities in the US. This helps students save a lot of expenses in the first two years of a Bachelor's degree.
- Wonderful chance for transfering to universities
Almost community colleges build commitment with universities 4 years ( is called 2 + 2 program ) allow international students to transfer their credits to universities after completion their courses at community college. That means students who are studying at 2 years-community colleges will have to study extra 2 years at an university that choose to get Bachelor degree.
- Entry requirements is easier
Since the majority of community colleges have intensive English programs (IEPs) for international students. So, they are not necessary to have TOEFL/IELTS for entry requirements. Many community college also has an ESL program (Teaching English to foreigners) or fostering Mathematics for students with an average GPA is too low point before the start of the official academic program.
- Focus on teaching and student’s success
The main tasks of lectures at faculties in community college is teaching, but they also often have articles appear in newspapers, magazines ... Because of focusing on teaching, international students receive full attention from their lectures. Moreover, the community colleges are always looking for real work experience related to student’s field of study to complement the practical knowledge to them.
- Small class size
Classes in coomunity colleges are usually very small, around 15-20 students/ class. This is favorable condition for international students can integrate quickly with academic life, living and practice their language skills, so that they can improve their language skills quickly. Furthermore, small class size will help students get more attention from teaching staffs.
- Opportunity actual practice
International students with F-1 visa is allowed to participate internship program (OPT) 1st year option on the field he/she is studying right after completion 2nd year program in community college to get Associate degree.
- Hundreds of programs to choose from
Almost community colleges are training specialized majors to be able to transfer to 4-year university program. Here are the most popular majors for international students as below: Business administration, engineering, computer technology, engineering, communication, early childhood education, hospitality, accountants, nurses, psychologists,...
- Using the most modern technology
Most community colleges today are equipped with modern facilities, convenient for students to practice learning programs. Community colleges lead in the training of students in leading fields like bioengineering, robotics technology, computer technology, aviation technology, ...
- Opportunities to experience US culture
Because community colleges have a closely relationship with the surrounding universities should international students to live in a rich learning environment and gain valuable opportunity to experience American cultural life within the classroom and even when you go home.
- Many service supports international students
The community college offers a lot of student support services such as tutoring services, career planning advice and counseling future academic skills for students to ensure that all students are achieving the Very good. All are designed specifically for international students studying in community colleges
- Friendly class environment
In the US educational environment, students often compete for scores. International students do not speak English well often limited. Typically, international students will feel better and more comfortable in small classes where there is little more competitive. In addition, community colleges have support free tutoring for students to achieve success.
- Adapting easier
Two years at community colleges to help international students improve their English skills, become familiar with the education system and American culture life.